Sarcoma Services in NZ
Where will I be looked after?
As Sarcoma is a rare cancer the International standard of Care is that all patients are treated through specialist Sarcoma Centres. In New Zealand we have two of these covering the country; Auckland and Christchurch. These centres will be responsible for guiding your care and treatment.

Adult Medical Oncology Services

Provided at the Sarcoma Specialist Centres

Provided also in regional hubs with input from the Sarcoma Centres
Radiation Oncology Services

Provided at the Sarcoma Specialist Centres

Provided at regional hubs with input from the Sarcoma Centres
Children’s Oncology Services

Medical Oncology at Starship Hospital and Christchurch Hospital

Radiation Oncology at Auckland Hospital and Christchurch Hospital
Surgical Services

North Island at Auckland and Starship Hospitals

South Island at Christchurch
Where to find us
There are 2 high-volume Sarcoma Specialist Centres in New Zealand. Both of these run Weekly Multidisciplinary Meetings (MDM) consisting of a specialist team of sarcoma experts.
North Island Sarcoma Service
Auckland and Starship Hospital
2 Park Road,
Auckland 1023
2 Park Road,
Auckland 1023
MDM every Thursday Morning
South Island Sarcoma Service
Christchurch Hospital
2 Riccarton Avenue,
Christchurch Central City,
Christchurch 4710
2 Riccarton Avenue,
Christchurch Central City,
Christchurch 4710
MDM every Monday